February 21, 2024

Books to Get You Into Reading

Posted in: Books

Easy reading recommendations from an avid reader

Cozy reading setup featuring fireplace, kindle, and iced coffee

Hi y’all! It’s no surprise that I love reading. Reading has always been a place I have found peace. If you know me, you would not be surprised to know that I grew up on Nancy Drew and Junie B Jones. I’d say I’m now half Junie, half Nancy. A boy I was dating one time told me that, but I regularly take credit for the joke. Anyways, reading has been a constant in my life as long as I can remember. I am a huge advocate for fiction books. I think they’re so good for you. So here are my three fiction books that I recommend to every friend who comes to me wanting to get into reading!

1. For Easy Romance Reading: Before We Were Strangers

Easy reading recommendations - Cover of Before We Were Strangers: A Love Story by Renee Carlino

This is the book that made me fall in love with romance novels. It’s the PERFECT romance novel. This book follows a “missed connection” in NYC. It gives two people a second chance at love fifteen years after being separated in the city. I really cannot recommend it more. I read the entire book in one night, start to finish.

2. For Drama and Scandal: The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo

This is a GREAT recommendation for many reasons. The first being that there is so much chatter around the book and it’s being developed into a series. I love to read a book that has a community surrounding it, because it makes you feel a part of something. Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo is truly 15 books in one. You follow the life of Hollywood movie icon, Evelyn Hugo. She’s just now finally telling the story about her very glamorous but very scandalous life. Evelyn chooses a random unknown reporter to write the story of her life, and no one knows why. It is a heartbreaking, beautiful book. You love Evelyn, but then you hate her. I truly *loved* this book. Another one I read in one day.

Easy reading recommendations - Cover of The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid

3. For Thrills and Surprises: Little Secrets

Easy reading recommendations - Cover of Little Secrets by Jennifer Hillier

This is my go to when it comes to thriller recommendations. Don’t worry – this is not a thriller where the wife kills the husband (shocker). This is a plot you’ll never guess. Marin is married to her college sweetheart and seems to be living the perfect life until her son, Sebastian is taken. Fast forward to a year later and Marin has completely lost herself as the case has stalled and no progress has been made. Her life continues to unravel as she finds out about her husbands affair. What happens is not something you’d ever expect – just trust me on this read. 

It’s worth mentioning that I read so much because I read on my kindle. I have the oasis, but the paperwhite is totally fine & the cheaper option. I’d recommend the paperwhite unless you spend hours a day reading or care about the experience. The kindle has easily tripled the amount of books I read. 

If you read any of these books, or have any good recs, please leave a comment on my last IG post! I also have @kebookclub where I’m sharing book reviews on the books I’m reading in real time- a great resource for more book recs. 

Happy reading!! <3

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