ABOUT kenzie

Kenzie Elizabeth is the host of the Dear Media Podcast, House Guest, a lifestyle vlogger & founder of “Friend of Mine”, the dream brand for the homebody. She lives in Dallas, TX with her two dogs; Fitz and Coconut. She is known to be an 80 year old in a 26 year old's body, spending her days in her garden and her nights at the bar with friends.

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On Kenzie Elizabeth’s youtube channel, you’ll find her sharing her life in a way that feels like you’re on facetime with a friend. She shares routines, book favorites, product recommendations, navigating your twenties, life in Dallas with her friends & travels. She’s always getting into new hobbies; most recently gardening and needlepointing.
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House Guest with Kenzie Elizabeth (formerly known as the ILYSM Podcast) is the go to podcast for your twenties. Listen to Kenzie and guests dive into life, relationships, navigating different stages of life, friendship, career and more. You’ll feel like you’re on the couch in your friends living room and leave feeling empowered & grounded.

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lifestyle vlogger & host
